
Our most experienced engineers and field service staff are available for forensic investigations. We perform these services for homeowners, builders, attorneys, and insurance companies. We use scientific instruments such as a manometer, moisture meter, pachometer, ferroscans and total station for non-destructive field measurements. This work is typically presented in a formal written report outlining the observations, causative items, conclusions and recommended repairs.

Previous investigations have included masonry walls, basement walls, retaining walls, fences, lateral load systems, wood truss roof structure, heavy timber roofs, dry wall cracking, stucco cracking, post-tensioned foundation systems, conventional foundations and mat foundations.

Our investigation services span the full spectrum of engineering and architectural issues in both commercial and residential projects. Architectural issues include weatherproofing and flashing, light levels, sound studies, and accessibility surveys.

Expert Testimony – Our most experienced engineers are available for expert testimony in court, in depositions or in mediation/arbitration. We have testified on numerous occasions.